

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Pics coming soon for posts 

So you want to know what mounts Pirate101 has so far?

Buffaloon: a buffalo that has wings and kind of looks like a balloon.

Lobster: Looks like Snappy Lobster from Wizard101 but you can dye it different colors. :)

Manta Ray: Looks like the Ray from Wizard101 but you guessed it, you can dye it!

Horse: Well it looks like the Starlight pony's mane and then the Black Stallion. And yes, you can dye it.

Batacooda: You have never seen this one before. The Batacooda has a fish body and very sharp teeth. It also has wings too. :)

Crocodile: This looks exactly like the Crocodile from Wizard101 but you can dye it different colors. :3

Thunderous Kirin (fastest mount): This mount looks like the Kirin from Wizard101 and yes, you can dye it yet again! :D

Flying Sea Turtle: This mount is a sea turtle but a little different than Wizard101's. It also has balloons attached to it's fins so it can fly. This mount can not be dyed. :(

Clockwork Wings: These are the same wings on Wizard101. They are the new wings. Forget the name lol but they are mechanical. Can't be dyed. O;

**Hope you know which one you want. :)**
~Alexandra Zest

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